12th March

A longer hike this Friday fuelled by a good Sainsbury's breakfast.  It would be our last meal out together for a while.  We drove into Princetown in a hailstorm, which thankfully then blew over!  Startint from a small parking area north west of Princetown, we headed along the Yellowmeade Farm track.  The first 'Tor' was more notable for the lake, which is what is left to show for quarrying at this site - Foggintor (415m).

We then skirted around Swell Tor, and saw the Swell Tor Quarry Workings [N6].

From the Plymouth and Dartmoor Railway track, we branched off to climb Leeden Tor (389m) and along to Ingra Tor (339m).  Back along the track, passing under a bridge [Princetown Railway O6].  Although it obviously crosses the track, there is no discernable path either side - so it's hard to know quite why it is there!

Continuing around Swell Tor, we then left the track to climb Kings Tor (pictured, 400m), then returning to the farm track at Foggintor.  Nearly 6.5 miles walked, and as we drove back through Princetown, the hail returned!

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